Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to Melt That Belly Fat Working out at Home!

It was late 2007 when I realised that I had finally let myself go too far on the obesity highway. This was the cumulative effort of zero exercise and compulsive dining at fancy restuarants around the town of Mumbai.

It was when my fiance was going to be at home for 4 months - Jan - April 2008 on her study leave for an exam, I thought that this was perhaps the best time to get back in shape. No eating out. More time to myself. This meant that I could squeeze some more time for the stuff that I had been neglecting for this long. I could easily workout at home.

I delved into the deep universe on Google and started my research on health related stuff. After sifting through several articles and tidbits of information, i finally decided to invest my hard earned money on 1 ebook. Mike Geary's Truth About ABs. I havent looked back since then.

Since my chubby self back in Dec 2007, when I was weighing 85 kgs, I have now pulled back to a decently lean 75Kg -thats a loss of 22 pounds. I lost 9% body fat along the way. I made good use of my new resolution - "Workout at home and lose 5 kgs". I achieved much more than I had imagined without a treadmill or a home gym. Just plain vanilla free weights and home workouts and good nutrition.

All this I did not go to a gym. I did not cook my own meals ( my mom did!!) and juggling a corporate job which took up about 12 hours a day. Add to that a 2-3 hour daily commute.

Thank God, I didnt have to work on weekends. It was here that I had made the most of my workouts. I tried to get atleast 2 workouts during the weekend and as many or should i say as few (1 - 2... mostly just one) workout during the week.

But I noticed that as long as I ate well,which meant not fasting, but in fact increasing the number and improving the quality of my meals, I was able to stay on the fat loss path. Yes,the first few weeks were frustating. Neither weight nor waist were willing to budge. But once I lost those first few pounds, things gradually started falling in place and from then on, I was continuously making progress every week.

As I went through my transformation process, I read up on tons of information and have now decided its payback time. I want to share my experiences with all those who are interested and particularly provide motivation for all those busy executives, that it is possible to lose weight while juggling a high pressure job and family.

All it takes is a bit of commitment and self belief and the will to stick through. I am reminded of a quote from one of the famous poems by Rudyard Kipling - "IF"
" If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,
to serve their turn long after they are gone,
And so Hold on, when there is nothing in them,
Except the will which says to them, "Hold on".

So Hold on all you folks. Persist and you shall definitely succeed. You don't need fancy equipment. You dont need a gym membership. If have a 4x4 space in your home, that's gonna be fine.

I did it with just a couple of dumbbells, a barbell and a few weights. Thats it.
Your home is more than enough for your work area. If you can stand and swing your arms freely, you have space enough in your home to use a dumbbell. If you have a little width, perhaps a dining table in your room, you should have enough width to use a barbell. Thats it. Your home is the best place.

But of course, I am one of those persons, who likes to workout alone. It saves a whole lot of time. By the time you get ready and go to the gym and get into your gear and start your warm up. I would have already finished my workout at home and headed into the shower.

Home is the best gym and the best place to workout if you are short on time and motivation to travel to the gym.

Your Friend in Fitness,

Lloyd Pinto

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